Hawaii's engineers. To help show the students of Hawaii that they can be engineers!

Sam Craig

Sam Craig

Harvard University
Founder, Retail Data Partners
Managing Partner, Transeo Solutions
CTO, Natural Health Sherpa

“Do great things and don’t settle for what somebody else tells you those things are”

Building things - whether they be software or companies or a tree house - has always been something that satisfies a particular need for me. Engineers are a rare breed that have passion for what they do and a self-motivation to build things. Sometimes we build things because of what they mean or the difference they make in the world, and sometimes we build things just to prove they can be built. It might take a lot of pizza, redbull, and 4am nights with a laptop on the couch. Other times, it might take a group of equally-as-motivated friends and a coffee shop. And for me, it’s been both. I consider myself a nerd, I just like to talk to people, too. What I want to build is a home for engineers in Hawaii - the the people, projects, and motivation that keeps us here and keeps us all building great things.

Aaron Kagawa

Software Engineer