Hawaii's engineers. To help show the students of Hawaii that they can be engineers!

Robert Brewer

Robert Brewer

University High School (Urbana, IL)
Reed College (BA Physics)
University of Hawaii at Manoa (MS, PhD Computer Science)
Co-founder LavaNet
Engineering Manager, Tableau Software Inc.

As you pursue your education, think about how you will separate yourself from everyone else applying for jobs. Independent study, personal projects, an contributing to open source projects are all ways to demonstrate your abilities in way more meaningful than “I took these classes and got these grades”.

Sometimes people associate engineering with boring, solo work, but being an engineer requires intensive creativity, collaboration, and communication. I would rather hire a bright, motivated person who works well in a team than a brilliant, arrogant loner who can’t communicate effectively. Teaching technical skills is easier than teaching someone how to work effectively in a team.

Aaron Kagawa

Software Engineer