Hawaii's engineers. To help show the students of Hawaii that they can be engineers!

Joslyn Wong

Joslyn Wong

University of Northern Colorado
Regis University
Quality Manager, Manu Kai - Kekaha, Hawaii
Founder, NanoByteLabs - Waimea, Hawaii

“Be the engineer that makes life easier.”

  • Going to a mainland college was a crazy idea in my low income town…SO I made it my first choice
  • Money was non-existent…SO I applied for 10+ loans and worked 2 jobs while being a full time student
  • I was asked to move back to Hawaii after getting my Bachelors in Computer Systems…SO I stayed and worked at IBM Global for 4 years
  • Engineering for women was the road less traveled…SO I got my Masters in Systems Engineering
  • Society says that kids should not learn advanced Computer Science and Engineering until the 6th grade…SO I started NanoByteLabs where they start from the age of 5
  • THRIVE in challenge…BE afraid of nothing…SO that you can change the world

Aaron Kagawa

Software Engineer