Hawaii's engineers. To help show the students of Hawaii that they can be engineers!

Estefan Ortiz

Estefan Ortiz

High School Dropout/GED
St. Joesph High School, Victoria, Texas
St. Mary’s University, San Antonio, Texas (BS-Electrical Engineering, BA-Mathematics)
University of Hawaii at Mānoa, Honolulu Hawaii (MS-Electrical Engineering)
University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame Indiana (PhD-Computer Science and Engineering, MS-Computer Science and Engineering)

I feel that working in engineering and mathematics is like working in an artistic field. To be successful requires you to be creative and imaginative with the tools and medium that you are working in. And like an artistic field it demands time and dedication to learning the craft and understanding the methods and tools used.

For current students, there are tremendous opportunities in the areas of data science, machine learning and applied stats. What’s great about such opportunities is that there are active open source projects and communities that are welcoming and provide introductory steps for a student at almost every stage of their academic career. You just have to be willing to learn something new and exciting.

Aaron Kagawa

Software Engineer